Secret behind best photos
Keep your portfolio simple, , if you have a lot of negative space in your image, it will only serve to highlight the subject that much more.
Focus on how you frame the shot and where you position different elements within the scene. If you learn how to properly compose your photos, you’ll be well on your way to taking great pictures.
Take care to position your subject or horizon off-center rather than in the middle of the frame. Consider drawing attention to your subject with how you “frame” an image.
Change Your Perspective, The most obvious way to take a picture is from a standing position, holding the camera in front of you, at eye level. Always be creative with the angles
Create a sense of depth with your photos by providing a three-dimensional feel. By using layers (including the foreground) and leading lines, you will draw the viewer into your image.
Another way to add depth is by using leading lines. Leading lines are all around us. They may or may not be actual lines. They’re the patterns within your image that draw the viewer to your subject.
Symmetry is defined as “the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.” You know symmetry when you see it, and it oftentimes stops you in your tracks.
To get a great symmetrical image, frame the shot to keep the vertical lines vertical and the horizontal lines horizontal.