How to create best photo description
Caption: A catchy description that elaborates on a photo but doesn’t necessarily focus on the visual elements. Also known as a cutline.
Alt Text: A concise description of important features in the picture, originally designed for readers who are unable to view or understand the image. It is often used for coding and SEO purposes.
Image Description: A more complex description for a photo, giving members of the blind and low vision community and other groups a textual explanation of the photo.
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Captions, titles should be both informative and interesting to read. You don’t have to get too creative to write something that catches the eye of readers. Stay simple and to the point.
Speculate about what’s happening in the picture to give it context and make it pertain to your products/services. Use a little imagination when writing photo descriptions for content marketing purposes. This can help drive home a point and add context and narrative to a blog.
It doesn’t matter if you are writing 40 words or 400 words, always spell check the document and proofread your writing.
While you’re editing, try to avoid unnecessary phrases such as “pictured above” or “an image of.” With captions and photo descriptions today, you can cut the fluff and get to the meat. Focus on what you want your readers to know about the picture and let the rest of your content enhance and support your images.