How to choose Props for Your Photo Session
Avoid trends- choose somethings that you like the most the or which what you are good at.
Be realistic- if you want to use seasonal props, try and source them in that season as they’ll be easier to find and before you decide to remake your favorite movie scene, think twice about whether you’ll be able to find suitable outfits for everyone in the photo.
Size matters. There are some larger props that work really well in photo sessions such as using your grandpa's farm tractor as a background piece. However, there are some larger props that can take away from the beauty of the photograph altogether. Make sure that your prop enhances the photo and doesn't detract from it.
Make it meaningful. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or if you have a musical instrument that you treasure, try and incorporate it into your photos. Heirloom blankets or bibs are great for newborn photos. This way your pictures will have more meaning to you and your family.
Use what you have. Make the current season work to your advantage by using what’s available. Leaves in the fall make for amazing props in photos and don’t cost a thing.
Remember, using props can be the perfect addition to your photos but make sure that they don’t become the main focus.
